
Local Stories

University of Utah Innovate Report 2015 features Ram Gouripeddi and John Horel.

Utah Department of Air Quality blog by Kerry Kelly and Kathy Sward 11/2/2015. Air Quality: Asthma research will help kids breathe easier

Nicole Burnett, with Ram Gouripeddi, presented at the Research on Capitol Hill (  1/24/2017 “Enabling an Air Quality Exposome for Salt Lake Citizens”

Sean P. Means, “Two teams have been doing air-quality research in Utah homes. Here’s what they discovered.,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 27-Sep-2018.


Publications, Posters, and Talks

Invited talks

An Informatics Architecture for an Exposome, R. Gouripeddi, Session II06 – Secondary Use of Data for Research (Interactive Learning), AMIA 2016 Joint Summits on Translational Science, March 22nd, 2016, San Francisco.

Collingwood, S. EPA Region 8 Radon Conference, SLC, April 18. Title: Environmental Influences on Health: Partnerships with Underserved Populations. This talk was an overview of air quality including radon, PM, VOCs as well as lead and soil heavy metal sampling, and potential impact to health.

International conference: Poster and Presentations

Data, Modeling, Uncertainty and Integration: The Informatics of an Air Quality Exposome, R. Gouripeddi, N. Burnett, J. Facelli, 2015 International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting in Henderson, NV, USA, October 18-22, 2015. Online: Poster

ISES/ISEE 2018 (first author listed), Ottawa Canada, Aug 26-30.
See  abstract book at

  • P01.0330. Tiase V, Gouripeddi R, Sward K, Burnett N, Butcher R, Mo P, Cummins M. “Advancing Study Metadata Models to Support an Exposomic Informatics Infrastructure”. Presented by Tiase. (p. 967)
  • P01.0320. Burnett N, Gouripeddi R, Facelli J, Mo P, Madsen R, Butcher R, Sward K. “Development of Sensor Metadata Library for Exposomic Studies”. Presented by Gouripeddi. (p.966)
  • P03.0470 Gouripeddi R, Madsen R, Tran L, Mo P, Burnett N, Butcher R, Cummins M, Sward K. “Generating Consistent Spatio-temporal Events of Exposure for Translational Exposomic Research.” Presented by Gouripeddi. (p. 1647)
  • P02.0860 Collingwood S, Gouripeddi R, Wong B, Sward K. “Environmental influences on health outcomes—integrating real-time exposure measures from homes into longitudinal cohort studies: Lessons from the field.” Presented by Sward. (p. 1320)
  • Panel S03.04G (discussion section) – Kathy Sward participated
  • Tech fair – our team had a booth side by side with other PRISMS centers

An Architecture for Metadata-driven Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor and Health Data for Translational Exposomic Research, R. Gouripeddi, L. Tran, R. Madsen, T. Gangadhar, P. Mo, N. Burnett, R. Butcher, K. Sward, J. Facelli, IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’19), Chicago, IL, USA, May 19-22, 2019.

Utah PRISMS Informatics Ecosystem, R. Gouripeddi, V. Tiase, S. Collingwood, J. Facelli, K. Sward, ISES 2018 Technology and Sensor Fair, The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018), August 26 – 30, Ottawa, Canada

Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS): Utah Informatics Center – Federated Integration Architecture. K. Sward, J. Facelli. 2016 International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting in Utrecht, the Netherlands, October 9-13, 2016. Poster

An Infrastructure for Generating Exposomes: Initial Lessons from the Utah PRISMS Platform, Katherine Sward, Neal Patwari, Ram Gouripeddi, Julio Facelli, 2017 ISES Annual MeetingOctober 17, 2017, 2017. Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

Harmonization of Sensor Metadata and Measurements to Support Exposomic Research, Nicole Burnett, Ram Gouripeddi, Jingran Wen, Peter Mo, Randy Madsen, Ryan  Butcher, Kathy Sward, Julio C. Facelli, 2017 ISES Annual meetingon, October 15. Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

Developing a Specification for Representing Exposure Health Semantics, R. Gouripeddi, R. Habre, and the PRISMS Data Modeling Working Group, The International Societies of Exposure Science (ISES) and Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), August 18 – 22, 2019 Kaunas, Lithuania.

An Architecture to Support Real-World Studies that Investigate the Autonomic Nervous System, D. Groat, R. Gouripeddi, R. Madsen, YK. Lin, J. Facelli, DMAH 2019 : VLDB International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare, Los Angeles, California, USA, on August 30th, 2019.

National conference/poster

Pediatric Research Using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS): Applying Sensor Technology and Informatics to Better Understand Asthma, Katherine A Sward, Alex A.T. Bui, Jose-Luis Ambite, Michael Dellarco, Julio C Facelli, Frank D. Gilliland, 2016 Annual Symposium November 12 – 16, 2016 Chicago, IL.  {AMIA Distinguished Poster Award} This was a collaborative poster across PRISMS centers.


N. Burnett presented a poster at the spring AMIA translational science meeting: “Representing the molecular basis of translational exposomic research”. She gave a similar presentation at the National Conference for Under-graduate Research.

Characterizing Metadata of e-Devices for Interventional Translational Research, Taylor J. Morgan, Ramkiran Gouripeddi, Katherine A Sward, AMIA 2019 Informatics Summit, March 25 – 28, San Fransisco, CA, USA.

An Environmental Scan of Global Air Quality Research for Developing Global Exposomic Informatics Infrastructure, R. Gouripeddi, D. Chang, M. Cummins, J. Facelli, K. Sward, Global Environmental Health Day 2018, June 6, 2018, Research Triangle, NC, USA

A Conceptual Representation of Exposome in Translational Research, Ramkiran Gouripeddi, Nicole Burnett, Mollie Cummins, Julio Facelli, Katherine Sward, AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium,  November 04 – 08, 2017 Washington, DC.

Utah PRISMS Ecosystem: An Infrastructure for Personal Exposomic Research, S. An, A. Lund, N. Burnett, L. Tran, P. Mo, R. Madsen, K. Sward, R. Gouripeddi, J. Facelli, Ygnite 2018, Jan 19 – 21 / Washington DC.

Measuring the Autonomic Nervous System for Translational Research: Identification of Non-invasive Methods, D. Groat, R. Gouripeddi, Y. K. Lin, and J. C. Facelli, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 3, no. s1, pp. 28–28, Mar. 2019. Translational Science 2019, March 5 – 8, 2019, Washington DC. Poster: Link:

Development of a Data and Analytics Infrastructure for Total Exposure Health Research, R. Gouripeddi, D. Groat, S. Collingwood, K. Sward, J. Facelli, 2019 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Orlando, FL, USA, August 19, 2019.

Assimilating Pollen into Exposomes for Pediatric Asthma Research, R. Gouripeddi, P. Tran, T. Gangadhar, R. Madsen, K. Sward, J. Facelli. AMIA Annual 2019 Symposium,  Washington, D.C., November 16-20, 2019. 

Local conference posters and presentations

An Infrastructure for Reproducible Exposomic Research, R. Gouripeddi, P. Warner, R. Madsen, P. Mo, N. Burnett, J. Wen, A. Lund, R. Butcher, M. Cummins, J. Facelli, K. Sward, Research Reproducibility Conference, Monday, November 14, 2016, S.J. Quinney Law School, University of Utah, Salt Lake City., DOI:,

A Conceptual Architecture for Reproducible On-demand Data Integration for Complex Diseases, R. Gouripeddi, K. Eilbeck, M. Cummins, K. Sward, B. LaSalle, K. Peterson, R. Madsen, P. Warner, W. Dere, J.C. Facelli, Research Reproducibility Conference, Monday, November 14, 2016, S.J. Quinney Law School, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Enabling Reproducible Computational Modeling: The Utah PRISMS Ecosystem Ram Gouripeddi, Albert Lund, Nicole Burnett, Le-Thuy Tran, Peter Mo, Randy Madsen, Mollie Cummins, Kathy Sward, Julio Facelli. Research Reproducibility Conference, June 11 – 15, Salt Lake City, Utah

An agent-based model for estimating human activity patterns on the Wasatch Front, A. Lund, N. Burnett, R. Gouripeddi, J. Facelli, Air Quality: Science for Solutions, March 30, 2017, Salt Lake City.

The Utah PRISMS Infrastructure for Generating Air Quality Exposomes, R. Gouripeddi, J. Facelli, K. Sward, for the Utah PRISMS Team, Air Quality: Science for Solutions, March 30, 2017, Salt Lake City. Utah_PRISMS_SCMS.jpg, Utah PRISMS Infrastructure for Exposomic Research.jpg.

Using the Utah PRISMS Informatics Ecosystem to Bridge Gaps Between Exposomic and Immunological Research, A. Lund, D. Groat, R. Gouripeddi, J. Facelli, K. Sward, III Initiative Spring 2018 Symposium, May 11, 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Online:

Performing Reproducible Translational Research by Integrating Immunomes and Exposomes, R. Gouripeddi, D. Groat, A. Lund, A. Miller, K. Sward, J. Faceli, Research Reproducibility 2018, June 15, 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

Don’t breath deep: Estimating air pollution with big data simulations of human population dynamics, Albert Lund, Big Data Developers 2018, Salt Lake City, Oct 13, 2018.

Obtaining quality simulations of  urban movement in Northern Utah, Albert Lund, Translational Informatics SIG, U of U , 03 Oct 2018.

The Utah PRISMS Informatics Ecosystem: An Infrastructure for Exposomics. Air Pollution Harms Reproductive Health Scientific Meeting. Gouripeddi, R., Cummins, M., Facelli, J., & Sward, K. June 1, 2019, Salt Lake City, UT


Kelly KE, Whitaker J, Petty P et al. (2017). Ambient and laboratory evaluation of a low-cost particulate matter sensor. Environmental Pollution, Volume 221, February 2017, Pages 491-500.

Burnett N. (2017). Harmonization of Sensor Measurements to Support Health Research. Proceedings of The National Conference On Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2017 University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee. April 6-8, 2017.

Min KT, Lundrigan P, Patwari N. (2017). IASA-indoor air quality sensing and automation: demo abstract. Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 277-278.

Vercellino RJ, Sleeth DK et al. Laboratory evaluation of a low-cost, real-time, aerosol multi-sensor. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 7, 559-567, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2018.1468565.

Min KT, Lundrigan P, Patwari N, Sward K, Collingwood S. Smart Home Air Filtering System: A Randomized Controlled Trial for Performance Evaluation. Proc. of the 3rd IEEE/ACM Conf. on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering (CHASE 2018), 26 Sept. 26-28 2018, Washington DC. Program at
Paper will be published on Elsevier Smart Health Journal as a special issue

Lundrigan P, Patwari N, Kasera S K. STRAP: Secure Transfer of Association Protocol. Proc. of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2018), 30 July – 2 August 2018, Hangzhou, China. Proceedings will become available at IEEE Explore Currently available at:

Lundrigan P, Min KT, Patwari N et al. EpiFi: An in-home IoT architecture for epidemiological deployments. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2018).

Moore J, Goffin P, Meyer M et al. Managing In-home Environments through Sensing, Annotating, and Visualizing Air Quality Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)( Ubicomp ’18), to appear, 2(3): doi:10.1145/3264938, 2018.

Representing the Molecular Basis of Exposomic Research, N. Burnett, R. Gouripeddi, 2018 University of Utah Undergraduate Research Journal,

Collingwood, Scott, Jesse Zmoos, Leon Pahler, Bob Wong, Darrah Sleeth, and Rodney Handy. “Investigating measurement variation of modified low-cost particle sensors.” Journal of Aerosol Science (2019).

Systematically Integrating Microbiomes and Exposomes for Translational Research, R. Gouripeddi, A. Miller, K. Eilbeck, K. Sward, and J. C. Facelli, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 3, no. s1, pp. 29–30, Mar. 2019. Translational Science 2019, March 5 – 8, 2019, Washington DC.  Link: